
Recognizing Symptoms of Eye Cancer in Children: A Guide by Apollo Doctors

February 14, 2024, admin


Discover crucial insights into identifying symptoms of retinoblastoma, a rare and potentially life-threatening eye cancer affecting children. Verified by Apollo Doctors, this guide sheds light on early detection and treatment options for safeguarding children’s health and vision.

Understanding Retinoblastoma:


Retinoblastoma, a rare form of eye cancer, predominantly affects young children, with approximately 1,500-2,000 cases diagnosed annually in India. This aggressive cancer originates in the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye, posing significant risks to a child’s health and vision if left untreated.

Symptoms of Retinoblastoma:

Early detection of retinoblastoma is crucial for successful treatment. Common symptoms include:
  1. White Glow or “Cat’s Eye” Effect: A noticeable white reflection, resembling a cat’s eye, often appears in flash photography. This symptom, known as leukocoria, is a hallmark sign of retinoblastoma and warrants immediate medical attention.
  2. Visual Changes: Children may experience vision problems, including blurry vision, poor focusing, or even complete vision loss in the affected eye. Any unexplained changes in a child’s vision should prompt a comprehensive eye examination.

Importance of Timely Intervention:

Prompt diagnosis and treatment are paramount in managing retinoblastoma effectively. Early-stage retinoblastoma boasts high cure rates, with up to 95 percent success in developed countries. However, delayed intervention can lead to cancer spreading beyond the eye, posing life-threatening risks to the child.

Treatment Options:

The treatment approach for retinoblastoma depends on the tumor’s stage and extent of spread. Early-stage tumors may be treated with laser therapy, thermo-therapy, or chemotherapy, aiming to preserve the affected eye and vision. Timely intervention enhances treatment success and minimizes long-term complications.


Retinoblastoma, though rare, demands vigilant attention and proactive intervention to safeguard children’s health and vision. By recognizing common symptoms such as white glow or visual changes, parents and caregivers can seek timely medical assistance, ensuring prompt diagnosis and effective treatment of this aggressive eye cancer.
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