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Last Updated: 01-06-2024

Introduction :

This disclaimer (“Disclaimer”), together with our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, governs your usage of our website, (“Website”). By using our Website, you accept this Disclaimer in full. If you do not agree to any of these conditions, please discontinue your access immediately.


Intellectual Property Rights :

Unless otherwise stated, MediJourn Solutions Private Limited [hereinafter referred to as “MediJourn” / “we” / “our” / “Company”], or our licensors own the intellectual property rights of the Website and material on the Website, subject to the licence below, all our intellectual property rights are reserved.


Licence To Use The Website :

You may view, download for caching purposes only, and print pages from the Website, provided that:

  1. You must not republish material from this Website (including republication or another Website) or reproduce or store material from this Website in any public or private electronic retrieval system (though we encourage fair use for academic / non-commercial purposes).

  2. You must not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, visit, or otherwise exploit our website or material on our website for any commercial purposes, without our express written consent.


Use Of Information And Materials :

The information and materials contained in the Website and its pages, and the terms, conditions, and descriptions that appear thereon are subject to changes. They should not be regarded as an offer, solicitation, invitation, advice regarding any services (medical or non-medical) offered by MediJourn. You are therefore requested to verify the veracity of all information with us before relying on the same. Services shown on the Website may be withdrawn or amended or varied at any time at our sole discretion. Save and except with the MediJourn’s prior written consent, you may not "mirror" or frame this Website, any part thereof, or any information or materials contained in this Website on any other server, website or webpage. Wherever certain information is requested and necessary to enable you to use our web enabled services, we gather such information, including personal information, so that we can better develop our relationship with users. You may choose not to share any such information with us, but then you may not be able to take advantage of the features on the Website.


No Warranties :

The information, product descriptions, material, advice, suggestions, illustrations, notifications, circulars, etc., are collectively stated "the content" in this Website. If the said content contains any mistakes, omissions, inaccuracies, typographical errors, etc., MediJourn assumes no responsibility thereof. The information and materials contained on this Website are provided on "as is," "as available" basis. MediJourn does not warrant the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of any of such information and materials. MediJourn expressly disclaims any and all liability for errors or omissions in all such information and materials.

No warranty of any kind, implied, express or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties relating to non-infringement of third-party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and freedom from computer virus, is given in conjunction with any of the information and materials published herein. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing paragraph, MediJourn does not warrant that:

  1. This Website will be constantly available, or available at all;
  2. The information on this Website is complete, true, accurate, or non-misleading.

Nothing on this Website constitutes, or is meant to constitute, advice of any kind. If you require advice in relation to any legal, financial, or medical matter, you should consult an appropriate professional.


Limitations Of Liability :

MediJourn shall not be liable to you (whether under the law of contract, the law of torts and equity, or otherwise) in relation to the content of, or use of, or otherwise in connection with, this Website:

  1. To the extent that the Website is provided free-of-charge, for any direct loss;
  2. For any indirect, special, economic, incidental, or consequential damages, losses or expenses arising in connection with this Website or use thereof or inability to use by any party, or in connection with any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus or line or system failure; or
  3. For any business losses, loss of revenue, income, profits or anticipated savings, loss of contracts or business relationships, loss of reputation or goodwill, or loss or corruption of information or data.

These limitations of liability apply even if MediJourn has been expressly advised of the potential loss.


Variation :

We may revise this Disclaimer from time to time. Please check this page regularly to ensure that you are familiar with the current version.


Reasonableness :

By using this Website, you agree that the limitations of liability set out in this Disclaimer are reasonable. If you do not think they are reasonable, you must not use this Website. MediJourn limits the personal liability of its officers and employees, and you agree that you will not bring any claim personally against MediJourn’s officers or employees in respect of any losses you suffer in connection with the Website. Without prejudice to the foregoing paragraph, you agree that the limitations of warranties and liability set out in this Disclaimer will protect MediJourn’s officers, employees, agents, subsidiaries, successors, assigns and sub-contractors as well as MediJourn.


Privacy And Data Protection :

When you visit our Website, we may store or retrieve information on your browser/device, usually in the form of cookies. While this information intends to provide you with a personalised experience, by storing your preferences, such information may or may not constitute personal data under applicable laws. – [When our website users access the website, they receive a separate automatic notification regarding cookie collecting. The notification can inform users about cookie collecting and provide them the option to accept or reject].


For more information about our Website’s data collection practices, please refer to our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use.

In case you have any queries related to data privacy and protection, grievance and/or data access related requests, please contact our authorised officer at []. This officer is responsible for managing and resolving all data-related consumer complaints and will assist you in addressing any complaints you may have regarding the processing of your personal data.

In case you wish not to provide your personal information through cookies or other automated means by usage of our Website, we request you to kindly cease accessing/ using the Website.


Hyperlinks To Other Internet Resources :

Hyperlinks to other internet resources on our Website are for the user's convenience only and are accessible at your own risk. The content, accuracy, legality of or restrictions imposed, or opinions expressed by and other links provided by or for these resources are not investigated, verified, monitored, nor endorsed by MediJourn.

We are neither responsible for their standards of public order and decency, nor for their personal data protection policy, or the use that could be made of such data. When you access another Website through a hypertext link, you are accepting that this access is at your own risk. Consequently, we will not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from the accuracy or otherwise of materials or information contained on the pages of such sites, or for any loss arising directly or indirectly from the defects with such websites.


Submission Of Information :

The information submitted to MediJourn via its Website and its pages thereon shall be deemed to be the property of MediJourn. Please note that we neither warrant that any e-mail from the Website is secure, nor guarantee that any such e-mail from you or from us is secure during internet transmission.


Public Access To Personal Information :

Please note that you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose or key-in your personal information online and ensure that no third party is able to access such personal information as you key it in or view it on the screen of your computer.


Entire Agreement :

This Disclaimer constitutes the entire agreement between you and us in relation to your use of our Website and supersedes all previous agreements in respect of your use of this Website.


Law And Jurisdiction :

This Disclaimer will be governed by and construed in accordance with Indian law, and any disputes relating to this notice shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hyderabad, India.


Unenforceable Provisions :

If any provision of this Disclaimer is, or is found to be, unenforceable under applicable law, that will not affect the enforceability of other provisions of this Disclaimer.

Note: MediJourn does not offer medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. The information and services provided on are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional consultation or treatment by a physician. MediJourn strongly discourages the copying or cloning of its webpages and content and will take legal action to protect its intellectual property.